
Rotary Wing Stands for a Large Depot Maintenance Facility



In 2011, Corpus Christi Army Depot’s (CCAD) maintenance stands were failing to stand up to OSHA and CCAD safety standards. After trying out Spika platforms, CCAD ordered several daily and phase maintenance stands. The purchase resulted in reduced injuries and maintenance cost savings for the facility.

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Client Need:

Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD) is the United States Army’s only organic facility for depot maintenance of rotary wing aircraft. It provides the majority of Department of Defense (DOD) organic rotary wing depot maintenance.

Robert Olivarez has been a Senior Equipment Specialist at CCAD for approximately 12 years. In 2011, he was having problems with his existing work platforms. Between OSHA and CCAD safety requirements, it took a lot of effort to ensure his equipment was fully compliant. Some of his greatest concerns were proper guard rails, weight restrictions, adequate fall protection, and ease of use and mobility of the platforms.

According to Olivarez, “Solutions tried before Spika were a total failure and loss of funds.  Equipment had to be scrapped or severely modified.”


Spika provided CCAD with several work stands to test run. Based on that experience, as well as the competitive pricing, Olivarez decided to order his first work stands from Spika. The stands were deployable daily maintenance stands designed for use on the UH-60 Black Hawk.

Olivarez says the top three features of the platforms were their safety, strength, and ease of use. The new platforms were sturdier, stronger, and lighter than other equipment. He was also impressed with the ease of mobility.

Satisfied with his experience with Spika, Olivarez went on to order several more items from the company, including various daily maintenance stands, several phase maintenance systems, and a wide range of maintenance equipment.

According to Olivarez, Spika’s work platforms have reduced maintenance-related injuries and increased worker productivity. In some instances, they even resulted in cost savings as maintenance was completed ahead of schedule. When asked about the single biggest reason he would recommend Spika products, Olivarez responded, “Their after-sale service is phenomenal. Working with Spika is pleasant and informative, and I know that any problem I may have will be resolved as fast as possible.”

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